Singing Guide: Crystal Gayle

Singing Guide: Crystal Gayle

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like Crystal Gayle

If you’re looking to sing like Crystal Gayle, here’s a quick guide to follow. Known for her signature silky lower-register voice and extended high-range pitch, this country-music legend has graced the music industry with some of the finest tunes. When trying to emulate her, you would need to foster some of the following practices:

Breathing Basics and Warm-up

Crystal Gayle’s unhurried and peaceful tone is partly because of her handling of breath support. The correct posture and effective breathing through the diaphragm play a vital role in most songs she performs. Use the following warm-up to give you a head start.

Farinelli Breathing

To perform the Farinelli breathing exercise, you lie flat on your back and place your hands on your lower stomach and feel the air fill your stomach and lift your hands. Then you breathe out through pursed lips.

Farinelli Breathing Video


Crystal Gayle has a unique mix of chest and head resonance, and warm-ups like humming apply to learn to balance these registers. Humming is also perfect for expanding your vocal range

Humming Exercise Video

Sing with Twang

Crystal Gayle's voice has a unique "twang" to it -- a bright, nasal quality that adds a distinctive flavor to her singing. To achieve this, try the twang exercise.

How to Twang Exercise Video

Crystal’s Pitch Accuracy

Crystal Gayle's pitch accuracy is on point. As you learn to sing like her, be sure to use tools such as the Singing Carrots pitch accuracy test.

Pitch Accuracy Test

Crystal Gayle’s Vocal Range

Know your vocal range before aiming for the higher notes. Take the Singing Carrots vocal range test; it's designed to help you find a matching song.

Vocal Range Test

Crystal’s Songbook

To find songs that showcase the utmost of your talent like Crystal Gayle, use Singing Carrots’ Songbook. It will help you sort through songs by your vocal range and genre preference. You’ll quickly find your “perfect song.”


Crystal’s Classic: Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue

A classic that has stood the test of time is the award-winning Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue. This song demonstrates her silky vocal style, and it's among the most iconic of her songs.

Pitch Training

To improve your pitch and general singing skills, use Singing Carrots’ pitch training. This educational singing game comes with interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizers, range exercises, and lots more.

Pitch Training Game


To learn how to sing like Crystal Gayle, you need to excel in your vocal range, breathing technique, and pitch accuracy. The core of her ability is the perfect balance of chest and head voice, delivered with a nasal twang. Inculcate these singing habits by using Singing Carrots’ resources, and when you're ready, audition for a performance with Singing Carrots’ performance tips.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.